My recommend course of action for library developers is to use Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions as it is now the defacto standard logging interface in the .NET ecosystem. For library developers that wish to continue to use LibLog or need to make adjustments for their needs should copy the code into their project (after all, that's just what LibLog did).
对于库开发人员,我建议的做法是使用它, Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions 因为它现在是 .NET 生态系统中事实上的标准日志记录接口。对于希望继续使用 LibLog 或需要根据自己的需要进行调整的库开发人员,应该将代码复制到他们的项目中(毕竟,LibLog 就是这样做的)。